Dark experience in Gamla Stan


Blind guide leading visitors through a darkened cityscape in the VI SES exhibition in Stockholm.The darkness experience is ready for you in Gamla Stan (old town) of Stockholm.
An interactive, fun adventure in complete darkness, accompanied by a blind guide, will surely enchant and capture your senses.
You will experience how to live in the dark, but do not be afraid, the guide will be there for you!

Dark environments
Here you will find yourself in specially designed and furnished environments in a completely darkened space. You will visit an appartment, a vibrant city, a relaxing rainforest and other places. This adventure takes up to 60 minutes.
• The tour includes sound and scent effects!
• Please let us know if you have allergy on anything!

Meanwhile waiting for your adventure:
• Check our ancient Braille-writers.
• Try to understand the Braille alphabet.
• Write your name with a Braille-typewriter.
• Try some games, without vision



Each group can contain up to 8 people. Please keep in mind the program is taking place partly in darkness, meaning that you will possibily be accompanied by other persons in the dark area. VI SES is only accessible to children over 10 years of age. Booking is subject to accept to approve our GDPR policy

Please read the visitor etiquette! We reserve the right to change the program.

Take part in a unique experience!

Book your visit!

Navigate in total darkness

Learn and experience your own senses


What is VI SES?

A sensory interactive experience where you are guide through dark environments
You find us at Österlånggatan 41, 111 31 Stockholm, located in the heart of Stockholms’ Old town, in the neigborhood of Nobel Museet and Kungliga Slottet. We advise you to arrive by public transport (T-bana: Slussen or Gamla Stan).
The dark tour adventure takes between 45 to 50 minutes. The lobby is also available with some tools and games for blinds.
VI SES can be visited from the age of 10. At least one companion over the age of 18 is always required in the group.
Access to the dark area is not recommended under the age of 10.
Yes, but due to the nature of VI SES, we need information in advance to be able to plan the tour
We recommend to come in comfortable clothes and shoes. No other equipment is required to enter.
Reservation is strongly recommended. We depart groups with a maximum of 8 people in the dark area every 90 minutes. If tour is not full, drop-in is possible
Please use the Booking link. We provide 8 free places for one timeslot, in the event of a larger number of people, the next 8 free places/places can be used. Our email address is booking@vi-ses.se where you can also write about your booking.
You can cancel your booking by a link in the booking-email.
Yes. Please inform us if you are less persons than booked so others can book

Visitor etiquette


Visitors MUST LEAVE ALL types of coats and jackets, handbags, bags etc., mobile phones, wristwatches and all light or sound emitting objects and recording devices in the provided lockers. For safety reasons, visitors must strictly follow the guide’s recommendations. Some people might feel unconfortable in total darkness, so at any given time or reason, visitors have the right to leave dark area of VI SES by informing about the desire to leave. Guide than leads the visitor back to the “visible” part.
In the event of a delay, the reception staff may deny entry to visitors arriving late due to visitor comfort, quality and safety.

Health issues
For safety reasons, we do not allow the dark tour for people with health disabilities that might affect mobility in the darkness. VI SES reserves the right to exclude from the tour in case VI SES staff was not informed in advance.

VI SES is recommended for children over 10 years of age. Exceptions may be made based on a child’s level of communication and other factors. VI SES staff reserves the right to refuse to enter a child under 10 years of age in the dark area.

Disabilities, accessibility
For our dark tour visitors need to be able to move around, as well as they need to be able to communicate clearly. We reserve the right to refuse to enter to dark area to people with special disabilities, in case VI SES staff considers it dangerous for the visitor.

Prices and opening hours


Adult (15+)

Please arrive 15 minutes before the booked time to redeem your ticket and achieve basic information!
Open time slots in the booking calendar are available to book.

Team Building

If you are large group or for any other reason needs special arrangements, please send us an e-mail to booking@vi-ses.se and we can customize a visit due to your wishes.


  1. Send email to booking@vi-ses.se with the desired amound of your gift card.
  2. We send you a payment request.
  3. As the payment is done, we’ll send you an online voucher in e-mail, which can be exchanged to any timeslots.

Vouchers are valid for 12 months.

För skolor, lärare och skolklasser

En upplevelse hos VI SES ökar förståelsen för hur blinda eller gravt synskade personer har det i vardagen.
I vårt speciella skolprogram får eleverna dels tillbringa tid i den interaktiva utställningen, dels ta en guidad tur i mörkret med en av våra guider.
Vi genomför skolprogrammet under förmiddagar tis-fre, med start 08:30 alternativt 10:30.

Experience the world through the eyes of the visually impaired at VI SES

Normal tidsåtgång:
• 15 min introduktion (inkl lägga mobil, etc i våra värdeskåp)
• 45 min i interaktiv utställningen
• 45 min guidad tur
(max 10 elever samtidigt per guidad tur)

Vårt specialpris för sådant arrangemang är 200 kr per elev (inkl moms).

Goda råd!
Det är lämpligt att hela klassen anländer samtidigt till våra lokaler i Gamla Stan.
Sätt gärna ihop grupperna i förväg, 8-10 personer per grupp.
Det kan vara bra att förbereda eleverna redan i klassrummet, t ex samla frågor:
– Drömmer de blinda?
– Vad betyder färger för dem?
– När är tekoppen fylld med varmt vatten?
Skriv ner frågorna och ta med er!

Avbokning måste göras via e-post eller telefon senast 48 timmar före bokad tid.
Kontakta oss på mail eller telefon så kan vi berätta mer i detalj vad som är möjligt.

Välkomna till VI SES!

Get in touch with us!